Threading in Houston

You have a few options when it comes to removing unwanted hair on the face. Shaving, waxing, and tweezing are probably the most common since you can do them at home. Everything from eyebrows, upper lip, and even the chin and cheeks may be a spot where you have unwanted hair. Find out more about why you should consider making threading in Houston a lifelong friend in your fight against unwanted facial hair for skin rejuvenation.

What Is Threading?

Threading is a method of hair removal originating in India and Central Asia. In more recent times, it has gained popularity in Western countries, especially with a cosmetic application (particularly for removing/shaping eyebrows).

Here at Shine MD Medspa & Liposuction Center, we offer threading for individuals who are looking for an efficient way to remove facial hair. You can visit our practice in Houston to learn more about threading.

How Does Threading Work?

The threading technique is similar to tweezing, but it is much faster and more efficient. Two threads are twisted together — hence the name — and then rolled over the areas of unwanted hair. This technique quickly pulls out rows of unwanted hair at a time, unlike tweezing which is a slow and tedious process.

Virtually anyone in Houston who wants to experience hair-free skin on all or part of their face is a good candidate for threading. We recommend that those with sensitive skin take care after their treatment so they can avoid breakouts or other blemishes.

What Are The Benefits?

Some hair removal techniques may not have very long-lasting results, but with threading, you can experience smooth, hair-free skin for up to six weeks. During this time, since you will not have any unwanted hair, your makeup will have a much smoother finish. Many women say that this is what they love the most about threading and how quickly the whole face can be treated.

Peach fuzz can be notoriously difficult to remove, as most manual hair removal methods are only effective on coarse or long hair. Threading in Houston, however, can target even the finest, lightest peach fuzz, which is how full-face threading is possible. Contact us to schedule your threading consultation.
