Learning About The Kybella Treatment


The neckline is an integral part of maintaining the aesthetics and appearance of your face. ShineMD Medspa brings you the Kybella treatment Houston which will help you get the best facial appearance by getting rid of a double chin or submental fat.

Suppose you want to bring perfection to your face profile without undergoing much invasive procedure and wish for a proper fat reduction. In that case, the kybella injectable is one of the alternative treatment options.

The Kybella® injectable treatments also slim down your face and give your face a much more youthful appearance, but you won’t be undergoing any surgical procedure. Instead, it is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, naturally produced by the body in bile acids.

And to keep your safe side, the whole Kybella treatment Houston process is fully FDA approved treatment for the fat reduction of submental fat. So it is very applicable for trimming down on the neckline.

Kybella injection sites

Who are the ideal candidates?

Kybella treatment is best suitable for the following treatments:

-For the reduction of the excessive fat inside the chin and help reduce submental fullness

-To minimize the fat in the chin without undergoing any surgical procedure

-Equally effective in men and women

-It helps to improve your profile for a long term life

Before and After gallery.

What Will Happen When A Person Undergoes The Kybella Treatment?

Before our professionals start with the treatment, our professionals will apply a special topical numbing cream or ice to have a numbing effect. Our professional will ensure that you are comfortable before the treatment.

The targeted treatment area will be taken care of as our professionals of ShineMD will mark the proper layout for deciding on the factor of the number of injections. Then our professionals, after creating the special mark-up, will make you receive about 20 to 30 tiny injections.

Kybella Reaction Or Treatment

How Many Treatments Will I Require For The Complete Treatment Of The Kybella?

Kybella is a series of many treatments depending on various factors. Your desired goal and how much fat you want to eliminate will help determine how many treatments you will undergo. For the Kybella treatment, a person commonly needs to undergo 4 to a maximum of 6 treatment sessions.

Patients can consult Dr. Shukla, who will suggest treatment plans based on their needs for the ideal results.

Kybella Results

When do you see the results after the kybella treatment?

It varies from patient to patient. Ideally, you will start noticing the difference in a few weeks.

What are the side effects?

You will experience a burning sensation, swelling, and bruising in the treated area and injection sites. These symptoms are self-limited and typically go away within days to a week.

What is the cost of Kybella treatment?

The cost of kybella treatments ranges from person to person based on their need, treatment areas, and the number of sessions required to treat the double chin. The price ranges from $1500 to $3000 plus for the complete treatment. It also depends upon the number of treatments required.

What are the alternative treatments for double chin fat removal?

Smartlipo of the chin or coolsculpting of the chin can be an alternative option for double chin removal. Smartlipo uses laser energy to remove the fat cells and help with skin tightening. However, Smartlipo is an invasive procedure with some downtime compared to kybella treatment.

While, coolsculpting permanently removes the fat with the fat freezing method. Coolsculpting is an FDA-approved treatment, completely non-invasive, and a prevalent option for double chin treatment.

Kybella Results

Get the best Kybella Treatment at ShineMD Medspa & Liposuction Centre in Houston, TX. So, please book an appointment with us today for facial rejuvenation and get a one-on-one consultation, and we will suggest a treatment plan for you. You can call us at 832.509.5099 to schedule an appointment.

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